RGI completed the Corporate Sustainability Navigator benchma ...


RGI completed the Corporate Sustainability Navigator benchmarking

At the end of 2021, as part of our ESG commitment, we took part as RGI in a sustainability assessment, the IMP³ROVE Corporate Sustainability Navigator, assisted by Confindustria Piemonte within the European project Enterprise Europe Network.  The Corporate Sustainability Navigator (CSN) is a structured and holistic tool which aims to assess the current performance and the ambition level in leveraging sustainability to ensure long-term competitiveness and it allowed us also to benchmark ourselves against our peers.

The assessment analyzed our performance across four dimensions, identified as key success factors to drive corporate sustainability as part of a successful business model: Profit - Economic sustainability, People - Social sustainability, Planet - Environmental sustainability, Managing sustainable development.

The assessment resulted in a complete report, which highlights our level of performance and our position, compared with the “Sustainability Champions” and the average in our benchmarking class.

We are performing above average in 3 out of the 4 dimensions analyzed: Profit, People, and Sustainable Management. In the dimensions of Economic and Social sustainability we are performing even better than the Sustainability Champions, while in the Planet dimension our level of commitment in the environmental sustainability still has the possibility to be strengthened and consolidated in the mid-long term, according to the peculiarities of our company.