rgi compliance and regulation observatory is ready to go


RGI Compliance and Regulation Observatory is ready to go

Next April 6th the Compliance & Regulation Observatory will take place in Milan at RGI headquarters, Via San Gregorio 34. It is an interactive workshop, organized in partnership with CeTIF Research Center (Research Center of Technology, Innovation and Financial Services – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan), with the aim to create a joint discussion group with Insurers for the analysis of regulatory evolutions in Italy and their impacts on the Insurers’ operations, identifying a common modus operandi in the compliance.

The focus of the meeting will be on the IDD Directive, with specific reference to IVASS Letter to the market on EIOPA guidelines regarding control and product government and the "Legge di Bilancio 2017" (“PIR” - “Piani Individuali di Risparmio a lungo termine”).

During the meeting, Professor Pierpaolo Marano (Professor of Insurance Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan – CEFIRS) and Clelia Tosi (Senior Research Manager - CeTIF) will present both regulations, that will be then discussed together by RGI and Insurers.