RGI Digital Observer: second workshop for the Compliance & Regulation Observatory
Last Thursday the 6th of April, the second workshop of the Compliance & Regulation Observatory took place at RGI Academy in Milan.
The event has been enthusiastically welcomed by the Insurers who gave their positive feedback at the end of the day.
Paola Cappon, RGI Corporate Marketing Manager Italia, started the first speech presenting the project, then Pierpaolo Marano, Professor of Insurance law at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano – CEFIRS, gave an overview on the progress of work of the workshop themes: the Legge di Bilancio 2017 (Piani Individuali di Risparmio) and the Insurance Distribution Directive (“IDD”).
Thereafter, Ugo Di Iorio, RGI Presales & Business Innovation Director, and Massimo Clerici, RGI Life Product Manager, focused on the key points of these topics with the aim of starting an open discussion with the attendees who gave their feedback on the IDD. The discussion will keep going on the RGI forum where the Insurers will be asked to post their comments and thoughts about the workshop subjects.