Novum RGI announces partnerships with 3B IT Consulting, Evod ...


Novum-RGI announces partnerships with 3B IT Consulting, Evodion and Brockhaus

The last weeks and months were very successful for Novum-RGI. The interest in our IT solutions for the insurance market is steadily increasing.

As an IT partner, we are now also supporting VOLKSWOHL BUND and Würzburger Versicherung in replacing their core systems, and contract negotiations with other insurers are in the final phase.

In order to be able to smoothly implement the upcoming challenging projects, we are working in long-term partnerships with 3B IT Consulting, evodion Information Technologies GmbH and BROCKHAUS AG in the context of system integration and implementation. All three partners support us in our customer projects.

Thus, we guarantee our customers a fast and smooth implementation of our IT solutions.